Starting the Journey
In my short life, I’ve been blessed with an abundance of opportunity.
Even though I did not grow up in a wealthy household, I was still able to experience things in life that most people dream of but never accomplish. I’ve traveled out of the country, been to multiple states in every region of the US, and tried foods that some people would turn away from in shock. I’ve seen the tops of mountains, the floor of the ocean, and the glitter of the sunset against hulking skyscrapers. Yet, even with all this opportunity, I still long for the joy of sitting around a comfortable place and simply sharing life stories with others.
I used to be able to sit around the campfire with my family in New Mexico and listen to my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles tell us about how life was when they were young. They told us stories of their own adventures, about how much things have changed over time, always with a soft smile and the eyes of someone remembering a particularly good memory.
It has become more difficult to find the time to get together like we used to, although I still love to hear their stories whenever we are together. As I got older I realized how much fun telling other people about your experiences can be and so I figured I would give it a try here.
It’s not all stories about things that have happened to me, in fact very few of them will probably be stories at all. Mostly just musings about life and how different experiences can shape a person, my thoughts on foods from all over the world, and other passions of mine.
The name, Interestingly Enough, comes from my wife, Carissa. She often likes to tease that I say those words often when I get excited as I describe something, and so it felt like a fitting title for a blog where I can share my thoughts and get excited about experiences.
I don't pretend to be an expert on anything, really. I just want to share my thoughts with you, faithful reader, and you're welcome to agree or disagree with them at your leisure.
Full disclosure, it's not always about good experiences. Sometimes life can be downright awful, but I think it's important to share those experiences as well. Life isn't just full of amazing things, it's normal to be disappointed sometimes and to suffer from headache and heartache.
The important thing is to try everything twice and see where it takes you.